Double Commander

2.18. Pre-installed plugins


1. Packer plugins (WCX)
1.1. Base64
1.2. CPIO
1.3. DEB
1.4. RPM
1.5. SevenZip
1.6. UnRAR
1.7. Zip
2. Content plugins (WDX)
2.1. Built-in Exif plugin
2.2. AudioInfo
2.3. DEB
2.4. RPM
2.5. Lua scripts
3. File system plugins (WFX)
3.1. FTP
3.2. Samba
4. Lister plugins (WLX)
4.1. MacPreview
4.2. Explorer Preview
4.3. Rich Text Format
4.4. WlxMplayer
4.5. Windows Media Player
5. Search plugin (DSX)
5.1. DSXLocate

1. Packer plugins (WCX)


The Base64 plugin provides the ability to encode and decode files according to the Base64 scheme, this is one of the standards for encoding binary data using printable ASCII characters.


Packer plugin for unpacking CPIO archives.


Packer plugin for unpacking the package files of the dpkg package management system (Debian and distributions based on it).

Linux and other Unix-like OS (in Windows, Double Commander uses the SevenZip plugin for this format).


Packer plugin for unpacking the package files of the Red Hat package management system (Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux and others).


Packer plugin for working with .7z, .arj, .cab, .cpio, .cramfs, .deb, .dmg, .fat, .hfs, .iso, .lha, .lzh, .ntfs, .squashfs, .taz, .vhd, .wim, .xar and .z files. We can also add other file types that are supported by 7-Zip.

Note: Some formats are read-only, meaning only content viewing, unpacking, and testing are available.

Windows only.


Packer plugin for unpacking RAR archives.

For using this plugin we need the UnRAR library, the plugin will use unrar.dll (Windows), libunrar.dylib (macOS), or (Linux and other Unix-like OS).

The distributions of Double Commander for Windows and the portable versions for Linux contain the necessary library, in other cases, we can use the usual ways to get libraries in the operating system (for example, package libunrar5 in Debian/Ubuntu or libunrar in Arch Linux). Otherwise, we can try to find a suitable variant on this page (the file must be copied to the system directory or the directory where the Double Commander executable file is located).

The plugin also supports the ability to pack files into a RAR archive, to do this, we need to specify the path to WinRAR.exe (Windows only) or the rar command line utility in the plugin settings.


Packer plugin for working with .bz2, .gz, .jar, .lzma, .tar, .tbz, .tgz, .tlz, .txz, .tzst, .xz, .zip, .zipx and .zst archives. Also this plugin can open files based on ZIP (EPUB, Office Open XML, OpenDocument format, CRX, XPI and others).

Requires additional compressor libraries:

The distributions of Double Commander for Windows contain all necessary libraries and these libraries are usually installed by default in Linux for desktop/workstations.

2. Content plugins (WDX)

Built-in Exif plugin

The program has a built-in Exif content plugin to get some data that can be stored in the metadata of JPEG files: date, pixel dimensions, image orientation and camera information.

JPEG images only.


This content plugin shows information about audio files, technical (duration, bitrate, number of channels and so on) and metadata (title, artist and other).

The following types of metadata are supported: ID3v1 (1.0, 1.1), ID3v2 (2.2, 2.3, 2.4), APE (1.0, 2.0), Vorbis comment.


This content plugin shows information about the package files of the dpkg package management system (Debian and distributions based on it): package name, version, description, dependencies and other.


This content plugin shows information about the package files of the Red Hat package management system (Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux and others): package name, version, description and other.

Lua scripts

The plugins/wdx/scripts directory contains several examples of content plugins written in Lua (see the Lua scripting help page for details).

These plugins are not added in the program settings.

3. File system plugins (WFX)


This is a file system plugin for working with the following network protocols: FTP, FTPS, FTPES, SFTP and SSH+SCP. The plugin also supports working with proxy servers (HTTP, SOCKS 4 or SOCKS 5).

Requires additional libraries:

1) SSL and TLS protocols

2) SSH protocol

The libssh library: the FTP plugin will use libssh2.dll (Windows), libssh2.dylib (macOS) or (Linux and other Unix-like OS).

The distributions of Double Commander for Windows contain this library, in other cases, we can use the usual ways to get libraries in the operating system (for example, package libssh2-1 in Debian/Ubuntu, libssh2 in Arch Linux, libssh2 in macOS (Homebrew)).

Plugin allows to use an SSH authentication agent (for example, ssh-agent from the OpenSSH utility suite, Pageant from PuTTY).


This is a file system plugin for working with network directories (SMB/CIFS).

Linux only.

4. Lister plugins (WLX)


Universal (office document formats, images, video and audio files, and more) plugin using Quick Look, as in Finder.

macOS only.

Explorer Preview

Plugin for the display of rich preview. The IPreviewHandler interface supports many formats (depends on the version of the operating system and installed applications), by default, only HTML files are added to the detect string.

Note: Preview handlers may not display all the information contained in the file.

Windows only.

Rich Text Format

Plugin for viewing RTF files.

Windows only.


Plugin for viewing video files. Requires mplayer.

Linux only.

Windows Media Player

Plugin for playing audio and video files. This plugin uses the IWMPPlayer4 interface (ActiveX), requires Windows Media Player 9 or later.

Windows only.

5. Search plugin (DSX)


This plugin uses locate and its file database for searching. We can search by file name, part of it or by mask (symbol "*" means match any number of characters).

Linux and other Unix-like OS.

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